I got banned from twitter.
I got banned from twitter a few days ago, the day exactly when Elon Musk bought twitter.
Because I was suspened permanently without a prior warning or anything like that, I couldn’t find a way to export my data. I lost all of my data and some connections on it.
99% time I use twitter is about sharing my life, study, etc. I am a kind person, and I do believe I did not violate any rules or post anything that involves hates or anything like that.
There is no sign that indicated which rule that I violated. The only thing that it said is that “After careful review, we determined your account broke the Twitter Rules”.
It is ridiculous that the whole “suspension process” is done by some other guy and there is no way to guarantee the process is reasonable.
Twitter has been the most widely used social media for chinese-speaking community out side of China and it is a platform where you don’t get cencored by the authority. It does help a lot in terms of acquiring news or discussing with other people especially when you live in a place that is full of cencorships.
But twitter is owned by a commercial company, and it does not guarantee that something happened to me won’t happen again.
After this, it reminds me of how important a real free(free as in freedom) platform is.
– To be completed
Something weird happened. My account is now suspended instead of permanently suspended. (Update: It became permanently suspended again.)
I found a similar case here.